[OpenAFS] openafs high availability problem
Derrick J Brashear
Wed, 29 Aug 2007 17:13:58 -0400 (EDT)
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On Wed, 29 Aug 2007, sophana wrote:
> Derrick Brashear a =E9crit :
>> I would be interrested in this patch. Thanks
>> Isnt'it possible to add this feature as an option? (or at least a
>> compilation option)
>> Probably
>> 1 minute is really too long for a filesystem. Any user would say i=
t is
>> no more working.
>> 5 seconds is so short that on a WAN if you need to retransmit a single=
>> (it's udp, remember) you're screwed.
> So short?
> Do you know anyone waiting more than 5 seconds the file that he opened?
I wonder if I know myself. I'll check.
>> Not all uses of AFS will be local.
> Even on remote, 5 seconds is a lot.
> The algorithm has to be re-thinked.
Um, you gonna buy me a faster cellphone data network?
I still have ping times with 35 second latency in an xterm here.
Yes, I use AFS from "the field". And it works. But not in 5 seconds.