[OpenAFS] ls /afs/cell.name: No such file or directory
Moritz Bunse
Sun, 8 Jul 2007 17:48:26 +0200 (CEST)
I have a problem:
I have a running AFS Server, say server01, whose client can access all the
[server01] # ls /afs/cell.name/
dir1 dir2 dir3 user
>From another client computer, say client01, I cannot acces the cell
[client01] # cd /afs/cell.name
-bash: cd: /afs/cell.name: No such file or directory
But I can run commands like:
[client01] # /usr/bin/bos status server01 -long
bos: no such entry (getting tickets)
bos: running unauthenticated
Instance ptserver, (type is simple) currently running normally.
Process last started at Sun Jul 8 16:29:50 2007 (1 proc starts)
Command 1 is '/usr/afs/bin/ptserver'
Instance fs, (type is fs) currently running normally.
Auxiliary status is: file server running.
Process last started at Sun Jul 8 16:29:50 2007 (3 proc starts)
Command 1 is '/usr/afs/bin/fileserver'
Command 2 is '/usr/afs/bin/volserver'
Command 3 is '/usr/afs/bin/salvager'
Command 4 is '/usr/afs/bin/vlserver'
# bos listhosts server01
bos: no such entry (getting tickets)
bos: running unauthenticated
Cell name is atlas.udo.edu
Host 1 is server01.my_domain.de
And of course I can get tickets with kinit admin/username aklog.
[client01] # klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: admin@CELL.NAME
Valid starting Expires Service principal
07/08/07 17:38:50 07/09/07 17:36:49 krbtgt/CELL.NAME@CELL.NAME
07/08/07 17:38:58 07/09/07 17:36:49 afs@CELL.NAME
[client01]# tokens
Tokens held by the Cache Manager:
User's (AFS ID 1) tokens for afs@cell.name [Expires Jul 9 17:36]
--End of list--
Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0
klist: You have no tickets cached
But even though the the server seeme to have a problem with that:
[client01] # /usr/sbin/vos listvo server01
Could not fetch the list of partitions from the server
rxk: security object was passed a bad ticket
Error in vos listvol command.
rxk: security object was passed a bad ticket
On server01 this runs fine.
client01's CellServDB:
>cell.name #Description
XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX #server01.my_domain.de
And some other entries...
/etc/sysconfig/openafs looks like the default one:
# OpenAFS Client Configuration
AFSD_ARGS="-dynroot -fakestat"
# OpenAFS Server Configuration
Hopefully someone can help me.
Thanks in advance