[OpenAFS] File server not parallelized on restart?
Steve Simmons
Wed, 17 Oct 2007 15:28:12 -0400
We had an AFS hang today (more detail after we complete the post-
mortem). It required doing a hard reboot on the server. On reboot, it
began salvaging the two partitions in parallel as normal. Wwhen the
salvages completed, it started attaching the partitions sequentially.
Here are the relevant times and events from the log. This last 4 in
the sequence look funny to me:
13:30:40 /vicepa salvage started
13:30:40 /vicepb salvage started
14:23:07 /vicepb salvage completed
14:35:59 /vicepa salvage completed
14:36:01 fs starts attaching /vicepb volumes
14:50:16 fs finishes attaching /vicepb volumes
14:50:16 fs starts attaching /vicepa volumes
Should it have started attaching /vicepa volumes as soon as that
salvage completed, or am I laboring under a misconception here?
Advance thanks,