[OpenAFS] Openafs 1.4.7, Active Directory 2003 user could not access AFS home directory

Wenping Yang yangw3@umdnj.edu
Thu, 16 Oct 2008 11:30:46 -0400

Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> Wenping Yang wrote:
>> Derrick Brashear wrote:
>>> On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 1:57 PM, Wenping Yang <yangw3@umdnj.edu> wrote:
>>>> Derrick Brashear wrote:
>>>>> is MESH.UMDNJ.EDU in krb.conf on the AFS servers?
>>>> No, MESH.UMDNJ.EDU is not on AFS servers. I saw a message talking about
>>>>  adding "-realm" in AFS fileserver, but I am not sure how to make it
>>>> work
>>>> for two realms.
>>> put it in /usr/afs/etc/krb.conf (or equivalent) on the fileservers, or
>>> it's not going to work.
>> Hi Derrick,
>> Thank you for your quick response. I am sorry for having made some
>> confusion here. Actually realm MESH.UMDNJ.EDU is in my krb5.conf file.
> Derrick is not referring to the Kerberos v5 configuration.
> He is referring to the AFS kdc.cnf file which is located at the path
> he specified or another path depending on the file hierarchy used
> by your deployment.
> http://www.openafs.org/pages/manpages/5/krb.conf.html
> Jeffrey Altman

Jeffrey and Derrick,

Thank you for the information. I was so stupid that did not get 
Derrick's point in the first place.

Unfortunately, I am still getting "permission denied" after I put 
krb.conf file in both places:

[root@RArwjmsIST1 etc]# cat /usr/vice/etc/krb.conf
[root@RArwjmsIST1 etc]# cat /usr/afs/etc/krb.conf

Best regards,
