[OpenAFS] Stupid NAT routers & UDP keepalive packets

hays@ibiblio.org hays@ibiblio.org
Sun, 01 Feb 2009 10:54:37 -0500

You could try natkeep, I've got an OSX oriented page with a link to the 
original source up at:

The only advantage it yields, assuming it works for you, is that the 
packets tapping the port on the nat die there, instead of going all the way 
back to the servers.

--On February 1, 2009 10:50:21 AM -0500 bil <bil_hays@unc.edu> wrote:

> I guess cronning a 'fs checkservers' for every 2 minutes works well
> enough...
> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 01:39:11AM -0600, Ryan C. Underwood wrote:
>> The standard suggestion to people experiencing AFS disconnections after
>> idling on a NAT is to increase the UDP mapping timeout on the router.
>> Unfortunately, this is impossible for the majority of idiotic "routers"
>> sold in stores with proprietary firmware.  Is it possible for the AFS
>> client to send a periodic keepalive packet itself for this purpose,
>> similar to the OpenSSH client?  If I recall correctly, there is even a
>> "ping" packet type specified in Rx for this purpose.