[OpenAFS] OpenAFS algorithm
Tue, 20 Apr 2010 11:36:12 +0200
Harald Barth wrote:
>> My question is how to permit client in B to use server in B ? I
>> didn't found any document explaining the algorithm used by OpenAFS
>> to decide the server contacted by the client.
> The algoritm is very old and if your IP numbers do not reflect your
> network topology it probably yields incorrect results.
> Have a look at man fs_setserverprefs and man fs_getserverprefs
> a lower value indicates a greater preference
> but first check that the clients really knows that there is more than one copy (something like this):
> $ fs where /afs/pdc.kth.se/home/
> File /afs/pdc.kth.se/home/ is on hosts kinilaw.pdc.kth.se morena.pdc.kth.se sculpin.pdc.kth.se houting.pdc.kth.se
I have two servers mpt and lyn. The two servers are file server and db
The two servers hosts a RO copy of my volume. Only mpt have a RW copy.
On a client near lyn, fs where give me only mpt, and fs gets also.
How to add the other server lyn ?
My file /var/db/openafs/etc/cellServDB knows the two servers .
I'm user MacOSX as client and server. with OpenAFS 1.4
Best regards,
/unix system engineer/
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