[OpenAFS] Documentation for Preference Pane in 1.4.12 on MacOSX

Marcus Crestani crestani@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de
Mon, 26 Apr 2010 09:13:07 +0200

>>>>>"FC" == Fabien COMBERNOUS <fcombernous@kezia.com> writes:
FC> To answer to many of our questions, you can use fseventer tool [1]. It
FC> is a useful free closed source software to know the files modified
FC> and/or created by a GUI on MacOSX. I planed to do it by myself, but i
FC> didn't yet have enough time.

Thanks for the pointer to fseventer, this is indeed a great tool for
this and many other situations.

But other than that, I cannot believe that there seems to be no
documentation for the new Preference Pane.  Anyone?
