[OpenAFS] 'amd64_linux26' is being replaced by '@sys'

Atro Tossavainen atro.tossavainen+openafs@helsinki.fi
Tue, 25 May 2010 09:01:55 +0300 (EEST)

> That's correct.  You cannot run current versions of Matlab out of @sys
> directories directly.  You have to make sure that it's symlinked to a
> directory that doesn't have @sys in the path.  We ran into this too.

Does anybody have any idea regarding why this only seems to be the
case on amd64_linux26?  I think we've got MATLAB R2009something on
AFS with @sys paths and neither i386_linux26 or sun4x_510 have any
problems with it.

Atro Tossavainen (Mr.)               / The Institute of Biotechnology at
Systems Analyst, Techno-Amish &     / the University of Helsinki, Finland,
+358-9-19158939  UNIX Dinosaur     / employs me, but my opinions are my own.
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