[OpenAFS] VMware and AFS

Gary Gatling gsgatlin@ncsu.edu
Thu, 16 Sep 2010 10:59:44 -0400 (EDT)


Where I work we have 4 AFS servers running inside of VMware guests. The 
servers are only holding Read Only volumes. On each fileserver there are 
about 230 volumes. Each VM has 512 MB of RAM. The disk storage is an 
SMS. The version of Vmware is Virtual Infrastructure 3.5. The Guest OS is 
RHEL 5.5. OpenAFS v 1.4.11. We haven't had any problems with running out 
of memory. (These are production servers for the eos.ncsu.edu cell) The 
machines usually stay up for 1-2 months and get rebooted when a kernel 
upgrade happens and I manually apply the kernel and openafs kmod client
upgrades. (I don't get to every single kernel upgrade but I try to do it 
every couple of months...) Because they are read only volumes only I can 
reboot one of the four without making the service go down or removing the 

Our Read Write volumes live on Solaris AFS servers. They require lots of 
moving when patch time comes around every 6 months. But we hope to move 
them to RHEL (maybe in Vmware) in the future once a backup solution is 
ready. We have really never had any problems with these Linux VMware AFS 
servers the whole time they have been running. (since July 2008) They've 
been working pretty good for us.

Hope that helps,

Gary Gatling      | ITECS Systems

On Thu, 16 Sep 2010, Steve Devine wrote:

> We are running an Ubuntu server "Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS" with the OpenAFS 1.4.11 
> client on a VM guest. This works great except over time the afs client wedges 
> the server - (Ram gets consumed). When this happens we have to do a hard 
> reboot to get it back on line.
> How many others are running AFS clients on VMware guests? Any issues or 
> suggestions on troubleshooting this?
> The VMWare is version 4.0.
> Steve Devine
> Systems & Infrastructure
> Academic Technology Services
> Michigan State University
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