[OpenAFS] Strange logs from a Windows Client

Claudio Prono claudio.prono@atpss.net
Thu, 10 Mar 2011 16:46:59 +0100

Hello all,

I have found some strange logs from a windows Client to my AFS:

Mar  9 14:52:22 afs kernel: [8648828.273271] UDP: short packet: From
xxx.xxx.xxx.68:7001 88/73 to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:7000
Mar  9 15:16:39 afs kernel: [8650285.187992] UDP: short packet: From
xxx.xxx.xxx.68:7001 78/73 to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:7000
Mar  9 16:28:58 afs kernel: [8654623.984326] UDP: short packet: From
xxx.xxx.xxx.68:7001 76/73 to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:7000

Any idea of what can be? I have looked at the Client, but all seems ok....


Claudio Prono.

Claudio Prono                         OPST
System Developer               
                                      Gsm: +39-349-54.33.258
@PSS Srl                              Tel: +39-011-32.72.100
Via San Bernardino, 17                Fax: +39-011-32.46.497
10141 Torino - ITALY                  http://atpss.net/disclaimer
PGP Key - http://keys.atpss.net/c_prono.asc