[OpenAFS] "reauth" code?

Gary Gatling gsgatlin@ncsu.edu
Thu, 23 Aug 2012 16:10:25 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


We have some c code lying around that won't work any longer under RHEL 6
called runauth. I strongly suspect it is based off of the runauth that
google tells me used to be at
ftp://ftp.transarc.ibm.com/pub/afs-contrib/tools/reauth/ ?

Does anyone know if there is a more modern version of this code that could
work on RHEL 6 ?

If so, do you know where it could be downloaded from? If not, is there an
alternative to something such as runauth that performs the same

I think the code is segfaulting when calling

ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral( 1,name,inst,c1buf,p1buf,TICKETLIFETIME,0,0,&c)

The whole code snippet is where it segfaults is:

  if (ka_ParseLoginName(n1buf,name,inst,cell) ) {
      fprintf(stderr,"%s :: ka_ParseLoginName() failed using login:
%s\tname: %s\tinstance: %s\tcell: %s as arguments.",n1buf,name,inst,cell);
  if (ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral(
1,name,inst,c1buf,p1buf,TICKETLIFETIME,0,0,&c)) {
      fprintf(stderr,"%s :: Error in ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral() using
name: %s\tn1buf: %s\tc1buf: %s as args. System message:
      die = 1;

Thanks a lot for any ideas anyone has.

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<div>Greetings,</div><div><br></div>We have some c code lying around that w=
on&#39;t work any longer under RHEL 6 called runauth. I strongly suspect it=
 is based off of the runauth that google tells me used to be at=A0<a href=
nsarc.ibm.com/pub/afs-contrib/tools/reauth/</a> ?<div>
<br></div><div>Does anyone know if there is a more modern version of this c=
ode that could work on RHEL 6 ?=A0</div><div><br></div><div>If so, do you k=
now where it could be downloaded from? If not, is there an alternative to s=
omething such as runauth that performs the same functionality?</div>
<div><br></div><div>I think the code is segfaulting when calling=A0</div><d=
iv><br></div><div>ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral( 1,name,inst,c1buf,p1buf,TICKE=
TLIFETIME,0,0,&amp;c)</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>The whole cod=
e snippet is where it segfaults is:</div>
<div><br></div><div><div>=A0 if (ka_ParseLoginName(n1buf,name,inst,cell) ) =
{</div><div>=A0 =A0 =A0 fprintf(stderr,&quot;%s :: ka_ParseLoginName() fail=
ed using login: %s\tname: %s\tinstance: %s\tcell: %s as arguments.&quot;,n1=
<div>=A0 }</div><div>=A0 if (ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral( 1,name,inst,c1buf,=
p1buf,TICKETLIFETIME,0,0,&amp;c)) {</div><div>=A0 =A0 =A0 fprintf(stderr,&q=
uot;%s :: Error in ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral() using name: %s\tn1buf: %s\t=
c1buf: %s as args. System message: %s.\n&quot;,prog,name,n1buf,c1buf,c);</d=
<div>=A0 =A0 =A0 die =3D 1;</div><div>=A0 }</div></div><div><br></div><div>=
<br></div><div>Thanks a lot for any ideas anyone has.</div>
