[OpenAFS] OpenAFS 1.7.0600 does not seem to handle symbolic links correctly

Gary Coryer u6200@us.ibm.com
Mon, 13 Feb 2012 10:16:05 -0500

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I installed the latest update (as of thursday last week) for OpenAFS 
1.7.0600 last week on my windows 7 afs client.  Everything runs fine until 
I get to a symbolic link in my Linux file system.  The Windows 7 navigtor 
will not follow the symlink, it will not change directory from the command 
line either.  The navigator seems to think it is a link because it has the 
chain symbol on the icon but the icon is faded.  I get a message when I 
try to follow the symlink that I do not have permission.  I have no 
trouble traversing the symlink on the linux client I use (don't believe 
Linux client is running open afs, I don't own that box, so that last was a 
statement that I do have file system permissions, not a difference in 
windows versus linux implementations).
This is a new install of the OpenAFS to update my laptop.  I can get to 
all the files in the file system until I hit a symlink, so everything else 
runs really nice.  Another possible difference is that its more likely 
that access to file system objects that I symlink to is granted via a 
group permission, my own files inside the symlink perimeter are more 
likely to be accessed via my user id. 
Any ideas?
Gary Coryer

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<font size=2 face="sans-serif">I installed the latest update (as of thursday
last week) for OpenAFS 1.7.0600 last week on my windows 7 afs client. &nbsp;Everything
runs fine until I get to a symbolic link in my Linux file system. &nbsp;The
Windows 7 navigtor will not follow the symlink, it will not change directory
from the command line either. &nbsp;The navigator seems to think it is
a link because it has the chain symbol on the icon but the icon is faded.
&nbsp;I get a message when I try to follow the symlink that I do not have
permission. &nbsp;I have no trouble traversing the symlink on the linux
client I use (don't believe Linux client is running open afs, I don't own
that box, so that last was a statement that I do have file system permissions,
not a difference in windows versus linux implementations).</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">This is a new install of the OpenAFS
to update my laptop. &nbsp;I can get to all the files in the file system
until I hit a symlink, so everything else runs really nice. &nbsp;Another
possible difference is that its more likely that access to file system
objects that I symlink to is granted via a group permission, my own files
inside the symlink perimeter are more likely to be accessed via my user
id. &nbsp;</font>
<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Any ideas?</font>
<br><font size=5 face="Brush Script">Gary Coryer</font><font size=2 face="Arial"><br>
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