[OpenAFS] Report of success - OpenAFS 1.6.1pre4

Rich Sudlow rich@nd.edu
Mon, 26 Mar 2012 13:29:00 -0400

We've been using OpenAFS 1.6.1 pre4 with Solaris 10 zfs
fileservers (we've been running OpenAFS 1.6.1 pre2 on Solaris 10 fileservers zfs
for several months) with no problems. (crc.nd.edu cell)

Also using OpenAFS 1.6.1 pre4 on a few Red Hat 5 and Red Hat 6 machines
without problems - they have not been tested extensively however.


Rich Sudlow
University of Notre Dame
Center for Research Computing - Union Station
310 West South St
South Bend, In 46601

(574) 631-7258 (office)
(574) 807-1046 (cell)