[OpenAFS] Mac 10.7 Finder issue with lookup-only access

Richard Brittain Richard.Brittain@dartmouth.edu
Wed, 2 May 2012 18:45:19 -0400 (EDT)

We just figured out that what manifests as an OpenAFS problem is almost 
certainly a Mac Finder issue in 10.7 (testing with OpenAFS 1.6.1, but 
probably was true for earlier)

It seems that the 10.7 Finder now wants 'r' ACL as well as 'l' ACL before 
it will show anything.  Browsing through a directory with 'l' only gives a 
blank screen (no permission error message), and you can't get any further. 
We had this situation on the top levels of volumes holding shared data.

Apparently this Finder change also broke access to CIFS shares with the 
same permission layout - apparently there are equivalent ACLs in the CIFS 
world, and our Windows admins were muttering about the same problem.

This might be old news, but I don't see it mentioned anywhere.

Richard Brittain,  Research Computing Group,
                    Computing Services, 37 Dewey Field Road, HB6219
                    Dartmouth College, Hanover NH 03755
Richard.Brittain@dartmouth.edu 6-2085