[OpenAFS] Re: Multiple Kerberos realm support

Andrew Deason adeason@sinenomine.net
Thu, 10 May 2012 17:17:09 -0500

On Thu, 10 May 2012 17:28:51 -0400
Jeff White <jaw171@pitt.edu> wrote:

> > Details here:
> > http://wiki.openafs.org/AFSLore/WindowsK5AfsServicePrincipal/
> I used the exact same ktpass args on both the 2008 PITT.EDU realm and 
> the 2003 UNIV.PITT.EDU realm (changing the realm name though).  Is there 
> something wrong with running it with those args on 2003?

It has nothing to do with the args or usage, etc; some versions of the
tool are just broken. See the link.

> This might be a problem:
> [root@afs-dev-03 ~]# kinit -kt /var/tmp/afskerbuser.keytab 
> afs/pitt.edu@UNIV.PITT.EDU
> kinit: KDC has no support for encryption type while getting initial 
> credentials

That's a little confusing, since the KDC granted you a service ticket
with a DES enctype earlier:

> [jaw171@afs-dev-03 ~]$ klist -e
> Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_354461
> Default principal: jaw171@UNIV.PITT.EDU
> Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
> 05/10/12 13:12:45  05/10/12 23:12:48  krbtgt/UNIV.PITT.EDU@UNIV.PITT.EDU
>          renew until 05/17/12 13:12:45, Etype (skey, tkt): arcfour-hmac, 
> arcfour-hmac
> 05/10/12 13:12:59  05/10/12 23:12:48  afs/pitt.edu@UNIV.PITT.EDU
>          renew until 05/17/12 13:12:45, Etype (skey, tkt): des-cbc-crc, 
> des-cbc-md5

>From that output I would expect that DES stuff is turned on for the
account, but... can you check? And can you say what's in the keytab:

rkt /var/tmp/afskerbuserkeytab
l -e

Andrew Deason