[OpenAFS] Development status of mod_waklog and filedrawers

Joseph Timothy Foley foley@ru.is
Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:01:19 +0000

I would like to know more about this as well.  I tried to get mod_waklog wo=
rking on an Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit system but was unsuccessful.  It compiled b=
ut did not get loaded correctly into the Apache 2 I was using.  I asked a f=
riend to was trying to use it at MIT, but they gave up and used IP-based AC=

Where did you find a guide indicating which patches?


-----Original Message-----
From: openafs-info-admin@openafs.org [mailto:openafs-info-admin@openafs.org=
] On Behalf Of Staffan H=E4m=E4l=E4
Sent: 30. jan=FAar 2013 20:35
To: openafs-info@openafs.org
Subject: [OpenAFS] Development status of mod_waklog and filedrawers

What is the current status of the mod_waklog and filedrawers projects? I sa=
w a thread about mod_waklog a few months ago, but what about filedrawers?

I've managed to compile mod_waklog on Redhat RHEL6 64-bit after applying fi=
ve patches (by Aaron Knister and Stephen Quinney). It now works on Apache 2=
.2 (haven't tried 2.4 yet).

Filedrawers seems to need some tweaking as well. I've found a few things th=
at needs to be changed for it to work with PHP 5.4. It also seems to have p=
roblems with the current version of Smarty (version 3.1.13). I'm working th=
rough the things that need to be changed at the moment.

It seems both mod_waklog and filedrawers haven't been updated for several y=
ears. Does anyone maintain them?


Staffan H=E4m=E4l=E4
Lule=E5 University of Technology
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