[AFS3-std] Review/Comments Extended Callback Information Draft

Matt W. Benjamin matt@linuxbox.com
Wed, 7 Oct 2009 15:43:50 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Folks,

As subscribers to the afs3-standardization list know already, a hypothetical last draft of the Extended Callback Information proposal has been published, including changes requested at the Edinburgh AFS hackathon which just took place.

The process we've agreed to follow resembles the IETF process, and as such, to become accepted, the draft needs to achieve consensus, which we'll know by comments posted to that list, approving it or raising issues/problems.

The text under discussion (as elsewhere posted) is here:


If you are interested in the progress of AFS or the draft, your comments/feedback (positive or negative) are greatly appreciated.




Matt Benjamin

The Linux Box
206 South Fifth Ave. Suite 150
Ann Arbor, MI  48104


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