[AFS3-std] IPv6?

Simon Wilkinson simon@sxw.org.uk
Fri, 23 Dec 2011 12:01:22 +0000

On 22 Dec 2011, at 17:37, Jason Edgecombe <jason@rampaginggeek.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> What is the status of the AFS protocol support for IPv6? What remains to b=
e done?

To the best of my knowledge, there has been no standardisation work around I=
Pv6 support.

However, what actually needs to be done from a standardisation point of view=
 is relatively modest. There are no protocol changes required for RX, and Ub=
ik (plus the binary format of the vlserver database) is out of scope for thi=
s group. That leaves us with the changes necessary to the RXAFS and VL sets o=
f RPCs. As Andrew notes, we have consensus that the correct thing to do here=
 is to define a new address type, based around the extensible union. RPCs wh=
ich take or return addresses then need to be modified to use this new type.

The RPC modifications are actually relatively modest, and don't have a huge a=
bout of overlap with the RPC refresh project. If we had a volunteer for this=
 work, I would have no problem with IPv6 RPC variants being standardised sep=
arately - in fact, it would seem like a great way of making forwards progres=
s on this.

