[AFS3-std] rxgk CombineTokens and enctypes
Benjamin Kaduk
Tue, 11 Dec 2012 21:12:11 -0500 (EST)
Replying to myself with some comments, trawling for other input...
On Wed, 28 Nov 2012, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, Simon Wilkinson wrote:
>> I haven't reviewed the series completely yet, but I wonder if initial error
>> list for CombineTokens is far too verbose. It isn't clear to me the
>> situation in which many of the suggested errors would occur, and I'm wary
>> of over specifying here.
> It's quite possible that the current list is too large. I was essentially
> brainstorming when coming up with it, and some of the scenarios may be
> application-specific (and thus end up in the high half of the range).
> I consider the list quite flexible at the moment and welcome more input.
> I'll include the current list below for the mailing list to comment.
> -Ben
> RXGK_CT_SUCCESS The CombineTokens operation completed successfully.
> RXGK_CT_NOT_IMPL The server will refuse all CombineTokens requests.
> RXGK_CT_BAD_ENCTYPE None of the enctypes supplied by the client are
> acceptable to the server.
> RXGK_CT_BAD_LEVEL None of the security levels supplied by the client
> are acceptable to the server.
These first four seem pretty straightforward. (I added things in the
order I thought of them, so this is not terribly surprising.)
> RXGK_CT_RECURSE One or more of the supplied tokens was the result of
> a previous CombineTokens operation, and the server will refuse
> to perform the CombineTokens operation recursively.
This could plausibly be application-specific, as it delves into the
territory of what combined identities mean. On the other hand, one could
imagine multiple applications that forbid the combination of combined
> RXGK_CT_EXPIRED One or more of the input tokens was already expired.
This seems similar to BAD_{LEVEL,ENCTYPE}.
> RXGK_CT_ENCTYPE_MISMATCH The client supplied a list of enctypes
> disjoint from the enctypes used by the two input tokens, and
> the server is configured to reject such enctype renegotiation.
> RXGK_CT_LEVEL_MISMATCH The client supplied a list of security levels
> disjoint from the security levels used by the two input tokens,
> and the server is configured to reject such security level
> renegotiation.
These two are for use if an application wants to enforce a policy that
enctype or security level cannot be renegotiated to something different
from an input token or tokens. They are probably better off in
application-specific territory.
> RXGK_CT_TOPOLOGY The compound identity of the two input tokens
> cannot be represented in the application's scheme because the
> topology of the tree of CombineTokens operations involved is
> too complicated.
Again, this delves into application-specific territory of compound
identity representation. It should probably be relegated to the
application-specific block.