rxgk CombineTokens and enctypes (was Re: [AFS3-std] Re: afs3-rxgk-updates for 03)

Benjamin Kaduk kaduk@MIT.EDU
Fri, 2 Nov 2012 15:50:05 -0400 (EDT)

[Attempting to combine Jeff's two latest mails into one reply]

On Thu, 1 Nov 2012, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:

> On Wed, 2012-10-31 at 22:59 -0400, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
>> On Mon, 29 Oct 2012, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:
> A CM wanting to combine its token with a user's knows both keys, but the
> key in the user's token is also known to the user.  We want the combined
> token to have primarily the user's identity, so that filesystem accesses
> are done as the user.  But we want the key to be one the user doesn't
> know, so he cannot poison the cache.


> Furthermore, we don't want the user to be able to unduly influence the
> properties of the combined token, either through his knowledge of one of
> the input keys or through his ability to influence or control some of
> the properties of the input token.  For example, contrary to Simon's
> comment, we don't want to take the lowest security level of all tokens,
> because that would allow a client to force a weaker level than the CM is
> willing to live with (this is not as bad as with rxkad, because rxgk's
> weakest level is still fairly strong, but it's still worth considering).
> The same applies to enctype selection.

I'm starting to think that there may be scenarios where either the 
stronger or weaker level and/or enctype may be desired.  A CM must not be 
poisoned by a user, yes, but perhaps there is a single one-time data 
transfer that is desired at clear or auth.  I'll expand on these thoughts 

>>> matters.  Since we will be generating a new key anyway, the right answer
>>> is probably to have the client send a list of supported enctypes and
>>> have the server issuing the combined token select a suitable one.
>> It is tempting, as GSSNegotiate() already does so.  However, we need to
>> come up with the same enctype on both client and server, and communicating
>> the result back from the server to the client could get complicated.
> Huh?  Why?  The server already has to communicate the new token back to
> the client; why can't it also communicate the enctype used?

It changes the RPC signature, which is by no means a blocking objection 
(but might, say, hurt interoperability with already-deployed 
It also may present something of a future-proofing problem: currently, we 
pass two tokens in and get a token out.  If we need to start passing more 
information back, we might get into trouble if an application has 
app-specific data into the token that also needs information passed back.
If we can keep the interface as tokens-in, tokens-out only, that situation 
is much cleaner.
Though, if we're going to be defining app-specific RPCs anyway 
(AFSCombineTokens), maybe this is not a huge concern.

>>  (I don't have a good reason for unease, feel free to tell me I'm
>> wrong); can we get away with requiring that the enctypes must be the same?
> No, I don't think we can, and I see no reason to do so.  The construct
> in question is well-formed and uses the primitives exactly as intended.

Right, random bits are random bits.

>> If we can't get away with requiring identical enctypes, I think I'd rather
>> just say "take the enctype of K0" than try a negotiation.  With some text
>> like "the client SHOULD ensure that if K0 and K1 have different enctypes,
>> the stronger enctype is presented as K0", that would probably be okay.
> Not if you also have rules about where the client identity in the
> combined token comes from.

What form would/could such rules take? afs3-rxgk-afs does mention 
ordering, but I did not see anything about how to combine identities.

>> Back to negotiation, a brainstorming thought: rather than have the server
>> send back a selected enctype (which would want to be protected under one
>> or the other of K0/K1), we could have the client send a nonce and the
>> server send it back encrypted in Kn.  The client would then build Kn for
>> each enctype in the list and see if the nonce decrypts properly, to tell
>> which enctype was used.  Still kind of ugly, huh.
> Ugh, that sounds expensive.  I see no reason the server's enctype
> indication needs to be protected -- either it will match the session key
> type in the token or it won't, and if it doesn't, it's not going to
> work.

I suppose it would not be too great a DoS risk to drop something if the 
indicated enctype does not match the token (which does not match the key 
generated by the client).  We would not be able to check the parenthetical 
until we try to use the token, though, but we already have similar 

On Thu, 1 Nov 2012, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:

> On Thu, 2012-11-01 at 11:43 +0000, Simon Wilkinson wrote:
>> On 1 Nov 2012, at 02:59, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
>> I'm not sure you understand the model in play here - perhaps we need
>> more text explaining the purpose of CombineTokens. It isn't intended
>> that CombineTokens be used for tokens acquired for two different
>> servers. Instead, it's supposed to combine multiple user tokens (For
>> example, if Alice and Bob join forces to access a particular system)
>> into a single authentication entity.

I think that was my understanding; I may have expressed myself poorly.
(In the AFS case, 'Alice' might be the cache manager and not a user.)

>> Secondly, the encryption types of the server principal
>> (afs3-bos/myserver.example.org or afs3-rxgk/_afs.example.org) don't
>> have any relevance here. Instead, what you care about is the encryption
>> type that has been negotiated between the server and client as part of
>> the earlier GSSNegotiate operation, which will be chosen from the
>> intersection of the list of rxgk encryption types supported by the
>> client and the server. Bear in mind that rxgk is designed to be used as
>> part of a GSSAPI negotiation - there's no requirement that the
>> underlying mechanism is Kerberos based.

Sure; I think I worded things badly in my mail.  (Wrongly, really.)
But, as long as the two keys/tokens being combined were not part of a 
negotiation between the same client/server, using the same settings, they 
could have negotiated different values.  There's not a good out-of-band 
way to ensure that the negotiated values are always the same (and arguably 
there should not be one).
Anyway, Jeff has assuaged any concerns I had that were in the text you 
were replying to (which I trimmed, oops).

>> Things do get complicated when we look at AFS specifically where there
>> is an extended AFSCombineTokens RPC. This servers a number of purposes.
>> Secondly, it allows user key material to be combined with cache manager
>> key material to avoid the cache poisoning attack.
> This, however, is just a semi-special case of the functionality offered
> by the generic combine-tokens operation.  While the user/CM thing is
> specific to AFS, I think the generic combine-tokens needs to be flexible
> enough to meet this need directly.  Ultimately, I think that means...
> The caller needs to know all of the input keys.
> The output key should be a function of all input keys, so that no one
> who holds only some of the input tokens can know, choose, or unduly
> influence the selection of the output key.

Right.  I don't think anyone disagrees with either of these two 

> The caller should be able to assert any identity ordering, presumably by
> the order in which the input tokens are provided.  That is, if Alice and
> Bob "combine forces", the caller gets to decide whether the identity
> expressed by the output token is [Alice,Bob] or [Bob,Alice], and the
> spec says how to do so.  Of course, the meaning of multiple identities
> in a token is up to the application, and in any case, might end up being
> considerably more complex than just a list.

Do I need to go read brashear-afs3-pts-extended-names to have context for 
this, or are these from previous discussions elsewhere?  I'm not sure I 
see why there would need to be a possibility for different treatment of 
different orders of an identity list.

> Restrictions such as lifetime must be constrained by the values in all
> input tokens.  This is separate from the question of how the lifetime of
> an rxgk token relates to that of the credentials from which it was
> originally derived, and also from the question of whether and to what
> extent an "expired" can still be used.  An rxgk token derived from
> another rxgk token must not have a lifetime longer than the original.

I agree, and hope this is less controversial than the credential 
lifetime->token lifetime question.  We do have explicit text in 
afs3-rxgk-afs mentioning that the CM should update its token frequently, 
"to avoid combined tokens having unnecessarily close expiration times".

> Choice of enctype should be by selecting the strongest available
> enctype, where "available" means those enctypes both supported by the
> server and known to be supported by the client, and "strongest" is up to
> the server to determine. The list of enctypes could be taken from all of
> the provided tokens, but I think it would be better for the caller to
> provide an explicit list, as this allows upgrade to an enctype that is
> supported by the caller and server but may not have been supported by
> the original token issuers (or by the clients that got the tokens).

I agree that there is sense in allowing an enctype other than the two 
present in the provided tokens, but it's not imeediately/obviously clear 
that it must always be the stronger one.  Certainly the server can reject 
the request if it doesn't like any of the enctypes in question, but I feel 
like the client should still have some input -- maybe it is an embedded 
system and has hardware acceleration for some enctype but others are very 

Simon says in other mail that "From an encryption type perspective, the 
intent was that the server should pick the enctype which appears highest 
within its preference list."  That seems fine to me, but we should clarify 
which set of enctypes the server is choosing from.  I think that the only 
real options on the table are:
(1) choose from the enctypes of the two presented tokens
(2) choose from a list of enctypes presented by the client

(2) would give the ability to combine two DES keys into an AES key, which 
seems appealing.  It may not be the most realistic scenario to consider 
for general use, though.

> Choice of level probably wants to be the strongest of the levels of the
> input tokens, or possibly a stronger (but not weaker) level requested by
> the caller.  I'm not entirely sure about how this should work, though,
> and I think it bears some discussion.  The issue here is you don't want
> the holder of one of the tokens to be able to unilaterally reduce the
> level (Bob forces clear when Alice wants crypt).  And, I'm not sure you
> want the caller to be able to reduce the level either -- should a CM be
> able to request cleartext communication when the user clearly wanted
> encryption?

I agree there is more discussion needed here.
Hmm, Simon wanted to hold off on talk of negotiation until we get to 
AFSCombineTokens() (though maybe that was just for level and not 
enctype?).  (Maybe I was too aggressive in starting a separate thread for 
CombineToken and security level, as it's leaking over here.)

It somehow feels like using a lower level is more "legitimate" than 
wanting to use weaker crypto -- if CPU time is a concern, then one can 
still use a strong enctype and just fall back to auth or clear.
But does that make sense in this particular case?
We have (1) user + server/CM and (2) user + user.
(2) seems like, absent a trusted third party, it requires Alice to give 
her token+key to Bob, thereby allowing all file access.  In principal, Bob 
could go grab Alice's data and retransmit in the clear wherever he wanted. 
Now, there may be super-sensitive data that is only accessible to the 
combined token of Alice+Bob, in which case this identity should require 
active consent from both Alice and Bob; in this case we should be 
concerned if Bob could reduce the level without consent from Alice.  (If 
the data is so secure so as to require two people to be present to access 
it, it probably ought to be encrypted on the wire!)  But, if Bob wants to 
be evil, he already has "all" of Alice's data from her token+key.
So, there does not seem like much security loss from using the lower of 
the two levels (if they differ).  It seems like there would need to be a 
trusted third party to combine the tokens+keys in order for the 
requires-both-users ACLing to be particularly useful.
(1) can be split into (1a) where the CM protects itself against an evil 
user, and (1b) where there is an ACL to user+machine.
In (1a), we assume that the CM is the one performing the CombineTokens 
operation; an evil CM can already do all sorts of nasty things and need 
not be considered.  The CM should then respect the user's preference; 
we could have the CM's token be 'crypt' and then allow the combined token 
to use the lower level, as a possible implementation.  For (1b), it is 
less clear that using the lower level of the two is reasonable.  If data 
is ACLd to a machine, then that machine('s CM) should have a say in 
whether that data can go over the wire in the clear.  In this case, it is 
the CM's preference that should take priority and using the lower of the 
two levels could compromise the security of some data.
Unless we want to claim that if data is ACLd to a machine, then untrusted 
users should not be allowed on the machine at all...which is not entirely 

Does the above analysis seem reasonably complete and correct?  If so, it 
would seem to support Simon's opinion of using the lower level of the two 
