[AFS3-std] Re: Last Call: afs3-rxgk-04

Benjamin Kaduk kaduk@MIT.EDU
Tue, 30 Apr 2013 17:30:00 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 30 Apr 2013, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:

> On Mon, 29 Apr 2013, Andrew Deason wrote:
>>>> 6.  Key Negotiation
>> [...]
>>>> This lifetime is advisory.
>> I also feel like I've whined about this before, but I can't find where.
>> This sentence by itself doesn't really seem to say anything. The
>> definitions of "lifetime" and "bytelife" on page 7 I feel should just
>> point to the definitions of "lifetime" and "bytelife" on 10 for details,
>> and have them in one place.
> There were concerns about the "advisory" statement expressed previously, yes. 
> There was also a proposed wording/description given, which we did take and 
> put in.  I thought about trying to have one location refer to the other, but 
> didn't have a good solution.

Actually, I think section 8.2 would be a better place to refer to for the 
advisory nature of lifetimes, as that is where the rekeying operation that 
the lifetime is supposed to trigger occurs.

Given how sections 6 and 8.2 are structured, I think that it's appropriate 
to keep the bald statement "this lifetime is advisory" on page 6 (or 7) 
where lifetime/bytelife are first introduced.  Adding a reference to later 
in the document is reasonable, though.
