[AFS3-std] New Version Notification for draft-wilkinson-afs3-rxgk-06.txt
Benjamin Kaduk
Thu, 11 Jul 2013 00:19:13 -0400 (EDT)
On Fri, 28 Jun 2013, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:
> On Mon, 2013-06-24 at 18:30 -0400, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
>> For those following along, I finally got around to putting in extra markup
>> to split out the control flow of the GSS negotiation loop into enumerated
>> steps. There are no changes to the body text.
> I've taken a look at this, and the structural changes look pretty good.
> I've also reviewed the description of the negotiation loop in section
> 6.2, and have a few comments...
> - In step 3, you don't say anything about the case where the major
> status code from GSS_Accept_sec_context indicates an error.
This was something of a conscious decision, as the client need not know
the server's gss_accept_sec_context() return value directly. Even in
RFC4462, it is only "the server MAY send a message informing the client of
the details of the error" and "SHOULD send the error token [if it
exists]". The failure of context establishment will become clear quite
soon, regardless; either gss_init_sec_context() will fail due to a
missing/invalid token, or the server will have failed to return a token.
Do you really want explicit text here?
I suppose I should consider whether to permit sending a GSSAPI error from
routines other than GSS_Accept_sec_context(); my implementation at least
used to do this, I may have cleaned it up since then.
> - If the server decides that negotation has failed for a reason other
> than GSS_Accept_sec_context returning an error status, , it should
> indicate this to the client by returning an error from the RPC or
> by some other indicator. It should not synthesize a GSS-API status
> code that was not actually returned by the GSS-API.
You are taking issue with the synthesis of GSS_S_BAD_QOP?
To represent this error case (GSS_Accept_sec_context returns
GSS_C_CONF_FLAG | GSS_C_INTEG_FLAG) as a com_err error, I believe we would
need to introduce a new RXGK error code. Do you have suggestions for this
error code name and text?
> - In step 4, if the GSSNegotiate() fails for any reason, the client
> should consider the negotiation to have failed.
Well, the client should not decide to downgrade to rxkad because
GSSNegotiate returns -1! I can add explicit text for what to do if the
RPC fails if you want, though I think the intent was that the last
paragraph of 6.2 would cover this case.
> - Don't conflate GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED with an output token. The
> GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED flag indicates that another call with an input
> token is expected, not that an output token was provided. So...
> + If GSS_Init_sec_context produced a token when the server wasn't
> expecting one, or failed to produce one when it was, that is an
> error, and negotiation fails.
> + If GSS_Accept_sec_context produced a token when the client was
> not expecting one, or failed to produce one when it was, that is
> an error, and negotiation fails.
These will both be caught by the counterparty's next GSS call and need not
be handled explicitly.
> + If GSS_Accept_sec_context produces an output token but does not
> set GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED, that is _not_ an error -- it means the
> client needs to call GSS_Init_sec_context() once more, and that
> call is expected to succeed without producing an output token.
> Of course, at this point, the acceptor believes the context has
> been established, but the initiator may need to process that last
> token in order to finish setting up the context.
Yes, this is the "half round trip" mentioned at the top of 6.2.
> So in step 4, if the GSSNegotiate RPC failed, or returned a GSS status
> indicating an error, then negotiation has failed. Otherwise, there
> are three cases...
Hmm, saying "the major status code" here is a bit ambiguous as to whether
it is from initiator or acceptor (it's supposed to be the acceptor, if I
remember correctly.
> (a) The server returned GSS_S_COMPLETE or GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED, with
> an output token, and the client was expecting a token. In this case,
> the client begins the next cycle.
> (b) The server returned GSS_S_COMPLETE without an output token, and
> the client was not expecting a token. In this case, negotiation
> succeeds.
> (c) All other combinations are failures.
This is a valid decomposition, but I would prefer to not introduce the
notion of the client "expecting" a token; instead, I like to refer only to
what has already happened. Thus, "the most recent call to
GSS_Init_sec_Context() returned the major status code GSS_S_COMPLETE"
instead of "the client was not expecting a token".
Are you claiming that the breakdown in step 4 is an invalid decomposition?
If the server is not GSS_S_COMPLETE or GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED, it is in
error, of course (as your (c), my first bullet point). If the client was
not expecting a token (second bullet point) and gave one to the server,
the server cannot be setting GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED (right?) because the
client is already GSS_S_COMPLETE and will produce no further tokens.
Thus, the conditions from the first bullet point mean that the server
returned GSS_S_COMPLETE as well, so both sides are done and the
negotiation was successful (your (b)). If Init_sec_context was not
GSS_S_COMPLETE and also did not fail the negotiation, the client was
expecting another token, and thus we should proceed with the loop and call
GSS_Init_sec_context() again to examine that (the third bullet point, your
I believe I used to have an explicit case for the client expecting a token
and the server not returning one, but Simon noted that we can just
continue the loop and the next Init_sec_context call will detect the
> GSSNegotiate is intended to be called over an unprotected channel.
> So, there is no security reason to favor reporting results via an
> output parameter instead of via an Rx abort.
That text at the end of 6.2 was intended to call to mind the security
considerations 12.1. I guess the description as written is not really
consistent with the class of errors for which the security consideration
applies, though.
Thanks for the comments.