[AFS3-std] bug in draft-brashear-afs3-pts-extended-names-09 RPC-L

Benjamin Kaduk kaduk@MIT.EDU
Wed, 9 Jul 2014 13:15:44 -0400 (EDT)

Hi all,

It looks like there's a bug in this definition:
          WhoAmI(OUT afs_int64 id, OUT struct PrAuthName *alist) = 65540;

If I remember correctly, OUT parameters must be of pointer type (whether 
directly or via a typedef), but the 'id' parameter is a scalar type.

With appropriate flags, the complier complains that the variable 'id' is 
used without having been initialized, when compiling the generated stub 

I think there's a reasonable argument that we don't need to allocate a new 
code point to fix the error, and can just note the typo as an erratum. 
What are other peoples' thoughts?
