[OpenAFS-announce] OpenAFS 1.4.8 release available

Derrick Brashear openafs-info@openafs.org
Tue, 11 Nov 2008 19:32:01 -0500

The OpenAFS Gatekeepers announce the availability of OpenAFS version
1.4.8.  Source files and available binaries can be accessed via the web at:


or via AFS at:


This is the current recommended release for all Unix platforms; For Windows,
we recommend use of the current 1.5 series release for best performance, and
we do not expect to provide OpenAFS 1.4.8 binaries for Windows.

This release contains a number of client and server bugfixes, including:
- Rx network stack avoids leaking packets.
- jumbogram support disabled by default, corrected when enabled.

Bug reports should be filed to openafs-bugs@openafs.org.

Thanks are due as usual to our dedicated team of binary builders
(Harald Barth, Douglas Engert, Tom Keiser, Mike Meffie, Simon
Wilkinson) without whom the broad
range of released binaries would not be possible.

Additionally, the revised web pages for the binary releases are again
possible thanks to the work of Steve Devine and Eric Holp.

Derrick J Brashear
for the OpenAFS gatekeepers