[OpenAFS-announce] OpenAFS 1.4.12 release candidate 3 available

Derrick J Brashear openafs-info@openafs.org
Thu, 11 Feb 2010 23:39:19 -0500 (EST)

The OpenAFS Gatekeepers announce the availability of the third release 
candidate for OpenAFS version 1.4.12.
Source files and available binaries can be accessed via the web at:


or via AFS at:

       UNIX: /afs/grand.central.org/software/openafs/candidate/1.4.12pre3/
       UNC:  \\afs\grand.central.org\software\openafs\candidate\1.4.12pre3\

A large number of bugfixes, including in the Linux cache manager and the 
fileserver, are included, as well as a Preferences Pane for MacOS.

Since 1.4.12pre2, a Linux bug regarding cache access when SELinux 
is enabled, and a MacOS issue when enumerating /afs in Finder have
been addressed.

Please assist the gatekeepers by deploying this release and providing positive 
or negative feedback. Bug reports should be filed to
openafs-bugs@openafs.org .  Reports of success should be sent to 
openafs-info@openafs.org .

Derrick Brashear
for the OpenAFS Gatekeepers