From Sun Feb 19 05:56:24 2017 From: (Jeffrey Altman) Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2017 00:56:24 -0500 Subject: [OpenAFS-announce] Announcement: First kAFS Hackathon, March 22nd Cambridge MA USA Message-ID: This is a cryptographically signed message in MIME format. --------------ms020200070006080900070802 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------F8F92F55117E7B37A642A4F5" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------F8F92F55117E7B37A642A4F5 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable AuriStor, Inc. is pleased to invite AFS and Linux kernel developers to the first kAFS Hackathon. The Hackathon will be co-located with the Linux Foundation's Vault, Linux Storage and Filesystems Conference. PURPOSE: The Hackathon provides an opportunity for AFS and Linux kernel developers to meet and collaborate on the development and production readiness of: * AF_RXRPC, the implementation of the Rx RPC protocol available to kernel modules and user-land processes via the socket interface. The Rx RPC protocol is used by AFS and AuriStorFS. Rx would make an excellent rpc for Internet of Things as well. * kAFS, the Linux filesystem client implementation for AFS and AuriStorFS. * kafs-utils. A suite of AFS management tools written in Python that make use of the AF_RXRPC user-land socket interface. For more details on the current state of kAFS, AF_RXRPC, and kafs-utils, please see: TIME, LOCATION and REGISTRATION: The Hackathon will be held on Wednesday 22 March 2017 at Hyatt Regency Cambridge Crispus Attucks Room - Lower Lobby Level 575 Memorial Drive Cambridge MA 02139 USA from 8:00am to 6:00pm EDT. The kAFS Hackathon is free. Please RSVP at: 15% DISCOUNT FOR THE VAULT CONFERENCE: The Linux Foundation has been kind enough to allow us to offer a %15 discount for those who would like to attend Vault. Use the code 'kafs15' when registering at Vault - Linux Storage and Filesystems Conference About Vault: Vault brings together the leading developers and users in filesystems and storage in the Linux kernel and related projects to forge a path to continued innovation and education. Linux has been at the center of the advances in data, file systems and storage with its widespread use in cloud computing, big data and other data-intensive computing workloads. At Vault, hardware vendors collaborate within the Linux community to develop cutting-edge storage hardware, helping transform Linux into a leader in the storage industry. --------------F8F92F55117E7B37A642A4F5 Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=utf-8; name="jaltman.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="jaltman.vcf" begin:vcard fn:Jeffrey Altman n:Altman;Jeffrey org:AuriStor, Inc. adr:Suite 6B;;255 West 94Th Street;New York;New York;10025-6985;United St= ates email; title:Founder and CEO tel;work:+1-212-769-9018 note;quoted-printable:LinkedIn: =3D0D=3D0A=3D Skype: jeffrey.e.altman=3D0D=3D0A=3D =09 url: version:2.1 end:vcard --------------F8F92F55117E7B37A642A4F5-- --------------ms020200070006080900070802 Content-Type: application/pkcs7-signature; name="smime.p7s" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7s" Content-Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCAMIACAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADCABgkqhkiG9w0BBwEAAKCC DIMwggXqMIIE0qADAgECAhBAAVgjDHzXCy5hFo6GsQuLMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMDoxCzAJ BgNVBAYTAlVTMRIwEAYDVQQKEwlJZGVuVHJ1c3QxFzAVBgNVBAMTDlRydXN0SUQgQ0EgQTEy MB4XDTE2MTEwMjAzMTkzMFoXDTE3MTEwMjAzMTkzMFowgYYxLTArBgNVBAsMJFZlcmlmaWVk IEVtYWlsOiBqYWx0bWFuQGF1cmlzdG9yLmNvbTEjMCEGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYUamFsdG1hbkBh dXJpc3Rvci5jb20xMDAuBgoJkiaJk/IsZAEBEyA3RjAwMDAwMTAwMDAwMTU4MjMwQzdDQTcw MDAwMDdCMjCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALtO/7veyX1tdA4aDvsO c0gS/fICCTPlhS34dpRNmZYs2mvWb/xGRCKeflva8uZLFqsCE6ybMgz2IaB9rpowRcGSr/R7 CyY6HEBl3Rw0OkkslV7HQTxgp1fBXbGGoS8gOp6/ML64d5UJsMUM6NM59SzC77v8bi0sYkaT q31SoiJrCcPiI0F2wZiESf1tguQONl3Emt9fhEokmlLRHAlv1DkRw2XeUOyUwVHIVgF1wnzR 4Ao86aYmym62Z669a6NPla3hqLmYk9w+ydTnzcWj0X6nhvaMxb7fhOUyj06Y5Mxhqye+dJg4 bPj/G+8OoNVY9l5h/qbJaWpSbDog4I0LxaUCAwEAAaOCAp0wggKZMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIF oDCBhAYIKwYBBQUHAQEEeDB2MDAGCCsGAQUFBzABhiRodHRwOi8vY29tbWVyY2lhbC5vY3Nw 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availability of OpenAFS version for UNIX/Linux. Source files can be accessed via the web at: or via AFS at: /afs/ \\afs\\software\openafs\\ There are no binaries yet. Those will be uploaded as they become available. This release is focused on client side updates. Besides bringing support for Linux kernels 4.10 and likely the soon to be released 4.11, it mainly makes PAGs work on Solaris 11 and fixes the preference pane on recent macOS. For the full list of user visible changes in this release, please see Systems not affected by these changes can continue to use an earlier 1.6.20 release. Bug reports should be filed to Stephan Wiesand, 1.6 Branch Release Manager, on behalf of the OpenAFS Release Team From Thu Jun 8 20:40:58 2017 From: (Stephan Wiesand) Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2017 21:40:58 +0200 Subject: [OpenAFS-announce] First OpenAFS 1.6.21 release candidate available Message-ID: <> The OpenAFS Release Team is pleased to announce that the first 1.6.21 release candidate, 1.6.21pre1, is now available. Source files and available binaries can be accessed via the web at: or via AFS at: UNIX: /afs/ UNC: \\afs\\software\openafs\candidate\1.6.21pre1\ There are no binaries yet. Those will be uploaded as they become available. This prerelase brings a variety of bug fixes as well as performance and documentation improvements, reduced memory consumption on Linux clients and support for the next Linux mainline kernel. For the full list of user visible changes foreseen for 1.6.21, please see Please assist us by deploying this prerelease and providing positive or negative feedback. Bug reports should be filed to Reports of success should be sent to Stephan Wiesand, 1.6 Branch Release Manager on behalf of the OpenAFS Release Team From Thu Jul 6 15:05:19 2017 From: (Stephan Wiesand) Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2017 16:05:19 +0200 Subject: [OpenAFS-announce] OpenAFS release 1.6.21 available Message-ID: <> The OpenAFS Release Team is pleased to announce the availability of OpenAFS version 1.6.21 for UNIX/Linux. Source files can be accessed via the web at: or via AFS at: UNIX: /afs/ UNC: \\afs\\software\openafs\1.6.21\ This release brings a variety of bug fixes as well as performance and documentation improvements, reduced memory consumption on Linux clients and client support for the latest Linux mainline kernel, 4.12. For the full list of user visible changes in this release, please see Bug reports should be filed to Stephan Wiesand, 1.6 Branch Release Manager on behalf of the OpenAFS Release Team From Thu Aug 31 01:33:51 2017 From: (Benjamin Kaduk) Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2017 19:33:51 -0500 Subject: [OpenAFS-announce] OpenAFS 1.8.0 beta 2 available Message-ID: <> The OpenAFS Guardians are happy to announce the availability of the second prerelease candidate of OpenAFS 1.8.0. Source files can be accessed via the web at: or via AFS at: UNIX: /afs/ UNC: \\/afs\\software\openafs\candidate\1.8.0pre2\ A large number of bugfixes and new features are included, and there are also behavior and functional changes that may require administrator action as part of the upgrade; please consult the release notes for details. Please assist the guardians by deploying and testing this release and providing positive or negative feedback. Bug reports should be filed to ; reports of successes should be sent to Benjamin Kaduk for the OpenAFS Guardians From Fri Sep 22 15:02:45 2017 From: (Stephan Wiesand) Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2017 16:02:45 +0200 Subject: [OpenAFS-announce] OpenAFS release available Message-ID: <> The OpenAFS Release Team is pleased to announce the availability of OpenAFS version for UNIX/Linux. Source files can be accessed via the web at: or via AFS at: /afs/ \\afs\\software\openafs\\ There are no binaries yet. Those will be uploaded as they become available. This release is limited to a few Linux client updates. Besides support for Linux mainline kernel 4.13, there is just a fix for building kernel modules against Linux 4.12 on S390. For the full list of user visible changes in this release, please see Systems not requiring one of these changes can continue to use the previous 1.6.21 release. Bug reports should be filed to Stephan Wiesand, 1.6 Branch Release Manager, on behalf of the OpenAFS Release Team From Tue Dec 5 16:19:41 2017 From: (Benjamin Kaduk) Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2017 10:19:41 -0600 Subject: [OpenAFS-announce] OpenAFS security release 1.6.22 available Message-ID: <> --T7mxYSe680VjQnyC Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline The OpenAFS Security Team is pleased to announce the availability of OpenAFS version 1.6.22 for UNIX/Linux. Source files can be accessed via the web at: or via AFS at: /afs/ \\afs\\software\openafs\1.6.22\ There are no binaries yet. Those will be uploaded as they become available. OpenAFS 1.6.22 is the next in the current series of stable releases of OpenAFS for all platforms except Microsoft Windows. This release fixes the vulnerability tracked as OPENAFS-SA-2017-001. OPENAFS-SA-2017-001: Rx denial of service (assertion failure) due to insufficient validation of received transport parameters For more details please see Bug reports should be filed to ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS OPENAFS-SA-2017-001 was reported by the team at AuriStor, Inc. Benjamin Kaduk OpenAFS Security Officer --T7mxYSe680VjQnyC Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQG3BAABCgAdFiEE2WGV4E2ARf9BYP0XKNmm82TrdRIFAlomxxgACgkQKNmm82Tr dRJfygwePIceHnZWfk9IwDH19m7Tk2y/bWQk5RFJne92dcWlwhJpf75QtHcO/Szn r1KUK14uBV+OUwE7tGapaWkY61xnj/rmqWM4cg9vJb4fkv5zLjgVrmIA8WPpZBXR GNy0N6XZ5DydUE1+fM/tTE8MwAaB4jNA3ZLLNQ8STtDMyV+H6y/0AP2MdVJLKRpG JJ+GmLXhj7NPhqHqcc9mdV+NZhYkADv79Duv0iFx3X9ZU18f6Jg1uv2if161DF5l 8u6QhY8ScqgQSxAr7w5a99lL+3D2q6Ugn3THkMdigzVW16Ia2IjlZDyzUT1Xffvb TEhuJveVbLGnmwNOPsrL5yzdUwoOu8dyrYIYoM/BTgqr7p6n3lBrqd75dbOu2mhM ILdahM7ht9PDFlRt/lmbKHAOctd++oyUzAAaN+XJeTIBL4P3BjCV+S2b2GWuqUeS u4fAJuFnqOh//f46cwUVlZ+LL0hU1oLwOInDlbmHXczTJUustmWRfusvIM+4ywCx pkH77Et4tujImQ== =HsBa -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --T7mxYSe680VjQnyC-- From Tue Dec 5 16:23:27 2017 From: (Benjamin Kaduk) Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2017 10:23:27 -0600 Subject: [OpenAFS-announce] OpenAFS 1.8.0 beta 3 available Message-ID: <> --CGDBiGfvSTbxKZlW Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline The OpenAFS Guardians are happy to announce the availability of the third prerelease candidate of OpenAFS 1.8.0. Source files can be accessed via the web at: or via AFS at: UNIX: /afs/ UNC: \\/afs\\software\openafs\candidate\1.8.0pre3\ A large number of bugfixes and new features are included, notably the fix for OPENAFS-SA-2017-001, and there are also behavior and functional changes that may require administrator action as part of the upgrade; please consult the release notes for details. Please assist the guardians by deploying and testing this release and providing positive or negative feedback. Bug reports should be filed to ; reports of successes should be sent to Benjamin Kaduk for the OpenAFS Guardians --CGDBiGfvSTbxKZlW Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQG3BAABCgAdFiEE2WGV4E2ARf9BYP0XKNmm82TrdRIFAlomx/4ACgkQKNmm82Tr dRIpywwfYeqS0YGEZ3QCCiAkt/nAOlbvcSHKIP0fFFLiFM3xC4fTYVa5sZuuVg9k FK8L5y7J60/MzUpmnP9AEy8hInxtfj6BUr3XNJXlDAw/cz0clnNseOTGYxLBQLk1 TPfZ7YTHxWBJ1xQLIANWe1J9FsZYK+N64MPfyprr7KrReopotl8FGas8A0T0IalH sUMCMNmXr/zw9cxCRu3dBa8vh9h9x9t6QX3PUNldo3QSDp+itaj3T7AT0IzpCHmU 8mSiORyhewxPsTenw1dMfGD6smdvS55I46p4SL7R7c6NOkvEVc26A64QuF3gEMRO xPf4GfWax+SIXUYyhwFFB/gHQKY9Ju85aTlAF0VtyootRB8Qw3oXnKiEmmT26lVi 7+I/8cFVz1vLrEI/VUGYkUeDX3XKiJWsKz+3hWPTAeMkCFz2WnI7qSS1UIKpluto pV9UCTSLYCbkB4dTX5rHfB9Rjto5SSdBNP0WMuT2/HT6SBeZLrR/ivW2HI9gQf6I Ve8VlsR5rMeNtg== =6iT5 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --CGDBiGfvSTbxKZlW-- From Fri Dec 22 09:22:22 2017 From: (Stephan Wiesand) Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2017 10:22:22 +0100 Subject: [OpenAFS-announce] OpenAFS release available Message-ID: <> The OpenAFS Release Team is pleased to announce the availability of = OpenAFS version for UNIX/Linux. Source files can be accessed via the = web at: or via AFS at: /afs/ \\afs\\software\openafs\\ This release is limited to a few client updates. Besides support for = Linux mainline kernel 4.14, there are just a few fixes for build issues = encountered on recent Linux distributions. For the full list of user visible changes in this release, please see Systems not requiring one of these changes can continue to use the = 1.6.22 release. Bug reports should be filed to Stephan Wiesand, 1.6 Branch Release Manager, on behalf of the OpenAFS Release Team