OpenAFS CVS Commit: openafs/doc/txt/winnotes by jaltman
Wed, 21 Jul 2004 10:06:00 EDT
Update of /cvs/openafs/doc/txt/winnotes
In directory GRAND.CENTRAL.ORG:/home/jaltman/openafs/cvs-tree/doc/txt/winnotes
Modified Files:
afs-changes-since-1.2.txt afs-install-notes.txt registry.txt
Log Message:
DELTA registry-docs-logoff-20040721
* Update Windows Notes files
* Modify logoff procedure to use a pioctl to check if an arbitrary path
exists within AFS
* Add a new registry value HKLM\Software\OpenAFS\Client CellServDBDir
which can be used to locate the CellServDB file in an arbitrary directory
--- DELTA config follows ---
registry-docs-logoff-20040721 openafs/doc/txt/winnotes/afs-changes-since-1.2.txt 1.5 1.6
registry-docs-logoff-20040721 openafs/doc/txt/winnotes/afs-install-notes.txt 1.3 1.4
registry-docs-logoff-20040721 openafs/doc/txt/winnotes/registry.txt 1.11 1.12