OpenAFS Master Repository branch, master, updated. BP--openafs-stable-1_6_x-1138-g931a569

Gerrit Code Review
Wed, 27 Apr 2011 12:09:34 -0700 (PDT)

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 931a5696cbbf58504e8daf92f7c072b81ee93e7c
Author: Simon Wilkinson <>
Date:   Tue Apr 19 19:59:13 2011 +0100

    cmd: Tidy up -help output
    Tidy up the output that comes from cmd's -help option by wrapping
    at 78 characters, and picking the breaks sensibly. This changes:
    Usage: ./vos move -id <volume name or ID> -fromserver <machine name on source> -
    frompartition <partition name on source> -toserver <machine name on destination>
     -topartition <partition name on destination> [-live] [-cell <cell name>] [-noau
    th] [-localauth] [-verbose] [-encrypt] [-noresolve] [-help]
    Usage: ./vos move -id <volume name or ID>
             -fromserver <machine name on source>
             -frompartition <partition name on source>
             -toserver <machine name on destination>
             -topartition <partition name on destination> [-live]
             [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth] [-verbose]
             [-encrypt] [-noresolve] [-help]
    Change-Id: I494c287a9370d052763b464df33e69a936edef71
    Tested-by: BuildBot <>
    Reviewed-by: Derrick Brashear <>

 src/bu_utils/   |    2 +-
 src/bu_utils/NTMakefile    |    3 +-
 src/butc/       |    2 +-
 src/cmd/cmd.c              |   65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 src/venus/test/ |    2 +-
 src/vlserver/NTMakefile    |    6 +++-
 tests/cmd/command-t.c      |   10 ++++++-
 7 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

OpenAFS Master Repository