OpenAFS Master Repository branch, master, updated. BP-openafs-stable-1_8_x-220-gd5816fd

Gerrit Code Review
Tue, 11 Sep 2018 15:01:01 -0400

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit e96771471134102d3879a0ac8b2c4ef9d91a61b8
Author: Mark Vitale <>
Date:   Tue Jun 26 04:39:44 2018 -0400

    OPENAFS-SA-2018-002 budb: prevent BUDB_* information leaks
    The following budb RPCs do not initialize their output correctly.
    This leaks buserver memory contents over the wire:
    BUDB_FindLatestDump (backup dump)
    BUDB_FindDump (backup volrestore, diskrestore, volsetrestore)
    BUDB_GetDumps (backup dumpinfo)
    BUDB_FindLastTape (backup dump)
    struct budb_dumpEntry
    - up to 32 bytes in member volumeSetName
    - up to 256 bytes in member dumpPath
    - up to 32 bytes in member name
    - up to 32 bytes in member tape.tapeServer
    - up to 32 bytes in member tape.format
    - up to 256 bytes in member
    - up to 128 bytes in member dumper.instance
    - up to 256 bytes in member dumper.cell
    Initialize the buffer in common routine FillDumpEntry.
    Change-Id: Ic057a6c906ce2acd39e0e4ea0a0ba1e100bba3e9

 src/budb/procs.c |    1 +
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

OpenAFS Master Repository