[OpenAFS-devel] openafs cell and contrib area?

Neulinger, Nathan R. nneul@umr.edu
Fri, 3 Nov 2000 08:29:36 -0600

Wouldn't it be easier to get the pseudo-root.afs volume support implemented?

-- Nathan

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Derek Atkins [mailto:warlord@MIT.EDU]
> Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 8:22 AM
> To: Nathan Neulinger
> Cc: aeneous@speakeasy.org; Jeffrey Hutzelman;
> openafs-devel@penn.central.org
> Subject: Re: [OpenAFS-devel] openafs cell and contrib area?
> Nathan Neulinger <nneul@umr.edu> writes:
> > > - the problem of cooperating with regions under separate
> > > administration was why cells were invented.  (that, and the fact
> > > that inventing cells was Quick And Dirty).  
> Aesthetically, I'd like
> > > to see a new model hew as closely to the old one as possible.
> > > Simplicity *is* a virtue.
> >
> > Right - why do we need to have a big distributed openafs.org cell?
> > (I mean, it would be nice, but is it critical?)
> Actually, yes.  AFS clients are useless without pointing them at an
> AFS Cell.  I believe that to be truly successful, we need to have a
> 'default' AFS Cell that can be the 'default' ThisCell in OpenAFS
> distributions.  Obviously, people at large sites that are currently
> using AFS would want to point their clients at their own cell.
> However, it would be nice if OpenAFS were _useful_ out-of-the-box
> without human intervention, in ALL cases.
> If we travel down this road, we would need a distributed primary cell
> such that someone in Somalia wouldn't have to have packets travel all
> the way to Pittsburgh just to start AFS ;)
> -derek
> -- 
>        Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
>        Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
>        URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/      PP-ASEL      N1NWH
>        warlord@MIT.EDU                        PGP key available
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