[OpenAFS-devel] windows client crypt patches

Volker Holfeld volker.holfeld@e-technik.tu-chemnitz.de
Wed, 04 Apr 2001 20:57:22 +0200 (MEST)

>Speaking of "fs getcrypt", it appears not to work (in OA 1.0.3):
>    ~> fs setcrypt
>    fs: Missing required parameter '-crypt'
>    ~> fs getcrypt
>    fs: Unrecognized operation 'getcrypt'; type 'fs help' for list>
>    -derek

yes, the getcrypt operation fails with *N*X fs command, there is another
fs.c in src/WINNT/afsd for the windows client but it's just one more line
in src/venus/fs.c since the functions are already in (i just copied them into
the windows fs.c).


--- src/venus/fs.c~	Fri Jan 19 10:55:52 2001
+++ src/venus/fs.c	Wed Apr  4 20:42:12 2001
@@ -3045,6 +3045,8 @@
     ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("setcrypt", SetCryptCmd, 0, "set cache manager
encryption flag");
     cmd_AddParm(ts, "-crypt", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "on or off");
+    ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("getcrypt", GetCryptCmd, 0, "get cache manager
encryption flag");
     ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("rxstatproc", RxStatProcCmd, 0,
 			  "Manage per process RX statistics");
     cmd_AddParm(ts, "-enable", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,