[OpenAFS-devel] Weird symlink stuff installation instructions

Timothy J. Wood tjw@omnigroup.com
Sun, 8 Apr 2001 15:56:13 -0700

   I'm trying to build OpenAFS on Darwin 1.3 (Mac OS X).  The 
installation instructions in the README include stuff like:

       b. If this source is NOT in AFS space, You must make a link from
          @sys to your current system type.

          % ln -s i386_linux22 @sys
          % ln -s @sys/dest dest
          % ln -s @sys/obj  obj
          % ls -CF
          dest@     i386_linux22/     obj@     src/     sys@

   What is the '@' doing before the 'sys' in the ln commands?  I've never 
heard of that and it looks like it is contradictory withe the results of 
the ls command.  I assume the results of the 'ls -CF' should include 
'@sys@' instead of 'sys@' since when I do 'make links' I get failures 
on '@sys' being missing.

   So, maybe this is just a documentation glitch.  :)
