[OpenAFS-devel] Starting fs without salvaging...
Neulinger, Nathan
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 10:37:25 -0500
> Nathan:
> > On an unrelated note - is anyone aware of any way to get
> linux to save a
> > crash dump when a panic is enough to kill the machine?
> I noticed this on the OpenAFS devel list and thought I might have an
> answer to this question. SGI has been working on several
> tools to help
> kernel developers. You can find them at link below:
> http://oss.sgi.com/projects/
Thanks! I'll go take a look at that link shortly!
> I also noticed that you work for the University of Missouri -
> Rolla. Do
> you guys run AFS on a large scale there? We are pondering
Yes, for 1000+ NT stations, and 200-300 unix stations (mix of hp, solaris,
linux, with a couple sgis thrown in, although we are trying to get out of
them as there are only 3 of them.) We have 9 afs servers at the moment, 3
are DB-only on suns, and the rest are a mix of suns and linux, for about 1.4
Tb, of which most is wasted space due to administrative decisions on how to
handle quotas.
We're also fully krb5, no kaservers. (Moving to ADS gradually as well...
have yet to see how that will work out in the end.)
> implementing
> OpenAFS as a distributed file system solution for the EECS department.
> This of course would cross several platforms including Linux, BSD, and
> Windows. I have seen quite a bit of activity on the cvs
> commits list. I
> am quite pleased with the developement of this product ... I
> am sure if we
> did implement this we would also contribute to the efforts already in
> place.
> --
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> || D. Hageman
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> || Phone: 785.864.3923
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