[OpenAFS-devel] Commands from the crypt?
Harald Barth
Fri, 07 Dec 2001 17:25:11 +0100 (CET)
I think we should alter the wording of the fs setcrypt and getcrypt
commands, there must be a better wording than:
# /usr/afsws/bin/fs getcrypt
Security level is currently crypt (data security).
# /usr/afsws/bin/fs getcrypt
Security level is currently clear.
> Main Entry: crypt
> Pronunciation: 'kript
> Function: noun
> Etymology: Latin crypta, from Greek krypté, from feminine of kryptos hidden, from kryptein to hide; perhaps akin to Lithuanian krauti to pile up
> Date: 1789
> 1 a : a chamber (as a vault) wholly or partly underground; especially : a vault under the main floor of a church b : a chamber in a mausoleum
> 2 a : an anatomical pit or depression b : a simple tubular gland
I'd rather see something like
# /usr/afsws/bin/fs getcrypt
Security level: encrypted
The same goes for "clear" where the text should rather be
# /usr/afsws/bin/fs getcrypt
Security level: cleartext
if you do not fancy just "not encrypted" which most people understand.
Then of course there is the arla approach which does not use a lot
of fancy padding around the answers:
$ /usr/arla/bin/fs getcrypt
not encrypted
If the use of the words setcrypt and getcrypt is OK I leave to the
more english language challenged than me.
Have a nice weekend (we had a good laugh at the answer from Websters)