[OpenAFS-devel] Enhancements for AFS web interface

Ted McCabe ted@MIT.EDU
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 11:43:17 -0400

At 5:55 PM -0700 6/13/01, Jeff Riegel wrote:
>We have been working on Ufiler, a web interface to AFS, here at IBM Almaden.
>The Ufiler server uses Java servlets and a JNI interface to the libuafs
>client library, which is included in the openafs distribution.
>We have made a number of changes to the AFS client to enhance performance
>and stability for the web server.  Most of these enhancements are not
>generally applicable to the kernel versions of the client, but may be useful
>to others who are trying to serve AFS files over the web using libuafs.
>Changes include:
>2) Performance enhancements: The main improvement is that we can check
>    whether a directory is a mount point in advance and avoid doing a stat
>    or contacting the destination cell.  We've also enabled bulk statting
>    with kolya's patch from 11/2000.

This enhancement by itself seems very useful.  It appears to be 
implemented by using the new function afs_lookup_NoEval().  I'm 
troubled by the extensive code duplication though, is there some 
reason that afs_lookup() wasn't modified to conditionally eval?
