[OpenAFS-devel] Soft mounts for /afs root

Sam Hartman hartmans@MIT.EDU
15 Jun 2001 13:34:48 -0400

>>>>> "David" == David Thompson <thomas@cs.wisc.edu> writes:

    David> Derek Atkins wrote:
    David> RO/RW mappings should be explicit, not based on names of
    David> mount points.  Standards between sites vary too much.

    David> -- Dave Thompson <thomas@cs.wisc.edu>

When you make assertions like this, it is often useful if you back
them up with arguments.  We're getting a lot of complexity introduced
here to support things like local machine administrators that do not
want arbitrary cells being discovered; selecting implicit vs explicit
cells; selecting how to handle RW mount points.  I'm not convinced
that requiring configuration for any of these options has been
justified at any greater level than assertion.