[OpenAFS-devel] AFS with DNS using AFSDB records

Sam Hartman hartmans@mit.edu
01 May 2001 17:42:09 -0400

>>>>> "Nickolai" == Nickolai Zeldovich <kolya@MIT.EDU> writes:
    >> I'd be interested in hearing more about kolya's approach if it
    >> differs extensively from the above.

    Nickolai> In user-space I did essentially the same thing (though
    Nickolai> using res_search instead of manually constructing DNS
    Nickolai> queries), and for the kernel module, afsd spawns another
    Nickolai> process that blocks in the kernel waiting for AFSDB
    Nickolai> lookup requests, performs them in user-space using
    Nickolai> afsconf_GetCellInfo, and passes the information back
    Nickolai> into the kernel.

I think this is significantly cleaner.

Which is authoritative?  CellServDB or AFSDB?