[OpenAFS-devel] afs-nfs translator
Touretsky, Gregory
Tue, 15 May 2001 07:55:29 -0700
As [almost] pure AFS shop we use AFS/NFS translator to allow RW access to
the data for all kinds of specialized hardware,
like testers and logical analyzers that support only NFS mounts (there is no
way to run 3rd party software on these machines).
I suppose it's always possible to get something that doesn't support AFS, so
I'd like to see AFS/NFS translator as a back-door option.
Gregory Touretsky
IDC Computing / Systems Engineering Group
Unix Server Platforms
> (+) 972-4-865-6377, Fax: 04-865-5999
iNET: 465-6377, M/S: IDC-1B
Derek Atkins wrote:
> Production setting? Uh, I would certainly hope not. The NFS
> side of the protocol is completely insecure and could easily
> be hacked. Also, the translator has never, IMHO, been a stable
> product. It's been useful to me in rare occasions when I've
> had a machine without an AFS client, but I would never, personally,
> use a translator-based client for my real files. I've lost way
> too much data to the translator failing at just the wrong time.
> -derek