[OpenAFS-devel] Coredumps on Irix 6.5.15 with openafs-1.2.7
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 13:10:35 +0100 (CET)
On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Derrick J Brashear wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, [iso-8859-2] Martin MOKREJŠ wrote:
> > Of course I can add swap, but the question is why does Openafs demand so
> > much? IBM AFS did NOT!
> I'll take "Bugs" for $200, Alex.
> I assume you still haven't dealt with the XFS problem it's complaining
Well, I have recreated the filesystem, so it doesn't complain about small
inode size, if you mean that. But, there are no volumes created yet, so it
creaps that there no inodes to salvage.
xx# cat /usr/afs/logs/SalvageLog
@(#) OpenAFS 1.2.7 built 2002-09-25
12/11/2002 14:41:16 STARTING AFS SALVAGER 2.4 (/usr/afs/bin/salvager)
12/11/2002 14:41:16 Starting salvage of file system partition /vicepb
12/11/2002 14:41:16 Starting salvage of file system partition /vicepa
12/11/2002 14:41:16 SALVAGING FILE SYSTEM PARTITION /vicepb (device=dks0d5s7)
12/11/2002 14:43:32 SALVAGING OF PARTITION /vicepb COMPLETED
12/11/2002 14:41:16 SALVAGING FILE SYSTEM PARTITION /vicepa (device=dks0d6s6)
12/11/2002 14:41:19 No vice inodes on dks0d6s6; not salvaged
Temporary file /vicepa/salvage.inodes.dks0d6s6.344 is missing...
xx# cat /usr/afs/logs/VLLog
Wed Dec 11 15:14:17 2002 Using as my primary address
xx# cat /usr/afs/logs/PtLog
PtLog PtLog.old
xx# cat /usr/afs/logs/PtLog
Wed Dec 11 15:14:09 2002 Using as my primary address
It seems, bosserver died, only fileserver, volserver and afsd stayed
> about, but that doesn't explain why vlserver would try to suck up all the
> memory.
BTW: As I'm short on space on that machine, I wanted to move openafs
source tree to afs disk on another fileserver. It seems, when the cache
cannot be allocated as expect (as defined in cachinfo file), the mv(1)
commands cannot proceed. Is this a feature or bug? Could afsd skip using cache
in that case and just move the data anyway?
$ mv openafs-1.2.8-rc3 /afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/
mv: writing `/afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/openafs-1.2.8-rc3/doc/pdf/vvl-spec.pdf': No space left on device
mv: closing `/afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/openafs-1.2.8-rc3/doc/pdf/vvl-spec.pdf': No space left on device
mv: writing `/afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/openafs-1.2.8-rc3/doc/pdf/rx-spec.pdf': No space left on device
mv: closing `/afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/openafs-1.2.8-rc3/doc/pdf/rx-spec.pdf': No space left on device
mv: writing `/afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/openafs-1.2.8-rc3/doc/pdf/bsrv-spec.pdf': No space left on device
mv: closing `/afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/openafs-1.2.8-rc3/doc/pdf/bsrv-spec.pdf': No space left on device
mv: writing `/afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/openafs-1.2.8-rc3/doc/pdf/archov-doc.pdf': No space left on device
mv: closing `/afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/openafs-1.2.8-rc3/doc/pdf/archov-doc.pdf': No space left on device
mv: writing `/afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/openafs-1.2.8-rc3/doc/pdf/asrv-ispec.pdf': No space left on device
mv: closing `/afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/openafs-1.2.8-rc3/doc/pdf/asrv-ispec.pdf': No space left on device
mv: writing `/afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/openafs-1.2.8-rc3/doc/pdf/fscm-ispec.pdf': No space left on device
mv: closing `/afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/openafs-1.2.8-rc3/doc/pdf/fscm-ispec.pdf': No space left on device
mv: cannot create regular file `/afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/openafs-1.2.8-rc3/doc/txt/RELNOTES-1.2.6': I/O error
mv: cannot create regular file `/afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/openafs-1.2.8-rc3/doc/txt/RELNOTES-1.2.7': I/O error
mv: cannot create regular file `/afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/openafs-1.2.8-rc3/doc/txt/RELNOTES-1.2.4': I/O error
mv: cannot create regular file `/afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/openafs-1.2.8-rc3/doc/txt/RELNOTES-1.2.5': I/O error
mv: cannot create regular file `/afs/natur.cuni.cz/sgi_65/usr/openafs-1.2.8-rc3/doc/txt/RELNOTES-1.2.2': I/O error
syslog logged:
Dec 11 17:32:08 2A:xx unix: *** Cache partition is FULL - Decrease cachesize!!! ***
Dec 11 17:32:08 2A:xx unix:
Dec 11 17:32:08 6A:xx unix: dksc0d6s0: <6>Process [mv] ran out of disk space
Martin Mokrejs <mmokrejs@natur.cuni.cz>, <m.mokrejs@gsf.de>
PGP5.0i key is at http://www.natur.cuni.cz/~mmokrejs
MIPS / Institute for Bioinformatics <http://mips.gsf.de>
GSF - National Research Center for Environment and Health
Ingolstaedter Landstrasse 1, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany
tel.: +49-89-3187 3683 , fax: +49-89-3187 3585