[OpenAFS-devel] Forcing fetches from the server side bypassing the client cache
Derrick J Brashear
Fri, 13 Dec 2002 22:02:34 -0500 (EST)
On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Christos Ricudis wrote:
> The system works fine as long as the file in question is not cached in
> the client's cache. So I need a server-driven way to invalidate the
> client cache for specific FIDs. (I know about performance impact
> implications of bypassing the cache and I'm not concerned with them
> now).
Invalidate it? Well, you can Essentially do the equivalent of what
BreakVolumeCallBacks does, except key off a more than just the volume
> Following earlier suggestions in this list, I tried to modify
> the callback timeout values returned by SRXAFS_FetchData,
> by passing a small relative value to SetCallBackStruct call
> (I just add a small constant to FT_ApproxTime() in the
> relevant part of AddCallBack_r logic and return this as a timeout
> value).
> This doesn't seem to work - the file is STILL cached in the client side
> cache after the callback timeout has passed.
show us what you did as a context or unified diff?
> Another approach would be to put a server thread traverse the callback
> list at specified time intervals and break callbacks for the specific
> FID in question (didn't tried this yet, though)