[OpenAFS-devel] Can I fetch some appointed files whenerver I log in?
Derek Atkins
openafs-devel" <openafs-devel@openafs.org
01 Feb 2002 10:32:52 -0500
AFS will not do this on its own. However, you can write your
login scripts to try to pre-fetch the files. For example,
cat /afs/cell/file/to/cache/1 > /dev/null &
cat /afs/cell/file/to/cache/2 > /dev/null &
cat /afs/cell/file/to/cache/3 > /dev/null &
This will pull the file into the cache "in the background".
I'm not sure why you want to do this, unless the connection between
your client and server is REALLY SLOW (like 56k) or very high latency
(like a satellite).
I find that my login time (with my home directory in AFS) is based
more on processor speed and machine memory than on AFS delays, until
my network gets really slow.
=B3=AF=A4=B9=B8t <u85021@ice.ntnu.edu.tw> writes:
> Hi, falks:
> Can I fetch some appointed files whenever I log in AFS client? That is wh=
en I log in some AFS client, I can fetch some appointed files to save file =
transfer time. Just because the appointed files usually are used, so I want=
to prefetch them when I log in to AFS client. When I want to use these fil=
es, I can access them immediately without waiting.
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
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