[OpenAFS-devel] scary vos remove message...

Russ Allbery rra@stanford.edu
Wed, 06 Feb 2002 10:26:17 -0800

Neulinger, Nathan <nneul@umr.edu> writes:

> This definately needs reworked:

> infinity(1)>vos remove afs8 c res.kumar.students -verbose

> res.kumar.students 
>     RWrite: 536925133     Backup: 536925135 
>     number of sites -> 1
>        server afs8.cc.umr.edu partition /vicepa RW Site 
> Trying to delete the volume 536925133 ...

> That is always scary even when you know it isn't saying what it looks
> like it's saying.

I don't understand.  You told it to remove a volume and it says that it's
trying to remove the volume.  What's scary about that?  It's going to fail
in a second since you gave it the wrong partition....

Russ Allbery (rra@stanford.edu)             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>