[OpenAFS-devel] CopyOnWrite failure and EINTR

Sam Hartman hartmans@mekinok.com
13 Jan 2002 14:34:43 -0500

>>>>> "Patrick" == Patrick J LoPresti <patl@curl.com> writes:

    Patrick> Sam Hartman <hartmans@mekinok.com> writes:
    >> This problem certainly is real and is happening to other people
    >> as well.  When I looked at it, I convinced myself that errno of
    >> EINTR was just an artifact--just what was currently sitting in
    >> erno and that the read call was failing with EOF not with an
    >> error.

    Patrick> I thought read() returned zero on EOF and only returned
    Patrick> -1 on a real error.  Does the code in question not
    Patrick> distinguish between these outcomes?

No, it does not distinguish.  Both are fatal for that code.  The
debugging output is verbose enough that you as a developer can
distinguish.  I.E. it gives you both bytes read and errno.