[OpenAFS-devel] Can I use AFS file system without authenrication?
Charles Clancy
Mon, 21 Jan 2002 21:51:28 -0600 (CST)
> > I want use AFS, but I don't want any authentication. Can I disable
> > token but still can access AFS? Namely, I want to use AFS to simulate
> > NFS. Thanks.
> You can use IP ACLs (they're rather coarse in that they only do classful
> networks) or just use system:anyuser to let anyone read or if that's what
> you want, let anyone write. AFS does not however do host and uid-based
> authentication.
Well, you could create groups of IP addresses... but still pretty tedious.
The problem I see is that the UNIX file permissions are ignored under AFS.
It would be like everyone had "root" access to your file system. Access
control is based on host, not user/host like with NFS (assuming a decent
NFS configuration). Depending on your environment, that may or may not be
a good thing.
t. charles clancy <> tclancy@uiuc.edu <> www.uiuc.edu/~tclancy