[OpenAFS-devel] Job for AFS developer
Hartmut Reuter
Wed, 23 Jan 2002 13:27:55 +0100
We are looking for someone with experience in AFS development.
Our site is active in AFS and MR-AFS development since many years and we
are planning some new interesting projects to use new HSM systems for
Please see http://www.rzg.mpg.de/positions/afs.html for details.
Hartmut Reuter
Hartmut Reuter e-mail reuter@rzg.mpg.de
phone +49-89-3299-1328
RZG (Rechenzentrum Garching) fax +49-89-3299-1301
Computing Center of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG) and the
Institut fuer Plasmaphysik (IPP)