[OpenAFS-devel] Windows Client Kerberos Password Expiry
Dolan, David
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 12:49:44 -0500
Is there already an implementation that notifies windows client users that
their password has expired? I have Transarc's 3.6 2.14 and it does not
notify, it simply returns an "unknown authentication error" when the
password (not the account) expires. If there isnt' a version out there
already, does anyone know of an error code that is returned to the client
which I can use to generate a notification mesage? (other than "unknown
authentication error") I have to say that I'm surprised that this feature
was overlooked in any releases of the client.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> David Dolan
> Systems Operations
> Concurrent Technologies Corp.
> 100 CTC Drive
> Johnstown, PA 15904
> Ph: (814) 269-6549
> email: doland@ctcgsc.org
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~