[OpenAFS-devel] Very simple patch for libafs CPU hog on signal
Derek Atkins
29 Jan 2002 11:05:51 -0500
Nickolai Zeldovich <kolya@MIT.EDU> writes:
> > Actually, your patch _can_ lose signals if they happen _inside_
> > the sleep(). For example:
> >
> > save_signals <-- save an "empty" sigset
> > sleep <-- signal comes in here
> > restore_signals <-- restore the empty sigset, thereby losing
> > the signal that came in above.
> But in my patch, the sigset I'm saving is the blocked sigset, not the
> pending sigset. When the signal is delivered during sleep, the kernel
> doesn't wake us up, because the signal is masked out in the blocked
> sigset. When we come out of sleep, we restore the blocked set to what
> it was before (probably empty) and recompute the sigpending flag, so
> the signal will be delivered on syscall completion.
Ahh, must've missed that (or misread it). Cool. :)
For some reason I thought you were saving and restoring the actual
sigset, not the sig mask. I don't know why.
> -- kolya
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
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