[OpenAFS-devel] OpenAFS on *BSD platforms
Sat, 13 Jul 2002 19:21:01 -0400
=A9=F3Saturday, Jul 13, 2002, 06:58 PM, Harald Barth =BCg=A1G
>> Hello, I have written to the people supposedly handling the code for
>> OpenAFS on OpenBSD, but have never received a reply.
> OpenAFS has a IBM license. Not popular with the OpenBSD guys what I
> understand. But they could send a reply...
> There is some progress to get Arla working again on OpenBSD. If you
> want a client, that might help you. Ask about the status on the
> arla-drinkers mailing list if you are curious.
> Harald.
The Arla client is included in the source tree with OpenBSD, but I =20
would like to use my OpenBSD server as my OpenAFS server, since I have=20=
about 200 Gigs.
I don't think that the license has anything to do with OpenBSD and=20
OpenAFS, but that is just my guess. NetBSD and FreeBSD use the same=20
kind of license as OpenBSD.