[OpenAFS-devel] zepa.net?

Quanah Gibson-Mount quanah@stanford.edu
Mon, 24 Jun 2002 12:30:00 -0700

Does anyone know what the cell zepa.net is, or why OpenAFS 1.2.5 is 
constantly trying to reach it?  Our webservers are running OpenAFS 1.2.5 
with the -dynroot -afsdb flags, and have no users.  We do not allow people 
to access cells outside of /afs/ir.stanford.edu through our webservers. 
However, the syslog of the machine is full of notices that AFS cannot 
contact in cell zepa.net.  2 of the web server machines have 
also crashed since being upgraded to OpenAFS 1.2.5, and these messages are 
the only noticably odd things I'm seeing in the logs.

Quanah Gibson-Mount
Senior System Administrator
ITSS/TSS Computing Systems
Stanford University