[OpenAFS-devel] Problems with OpenAFS on Alpha Linux

Reinhold Bader Reinhold.Bader@lrz-muenchen.de
Fri, 10 May 2002 13:39:36 +0200

  I'm using Debian woody on a uniprocessor EV56, kernel 2.2.20, installed
  the OpenAFS 1.2.3 client provided by Debian, and had to compile the kernel
  module myself.

  The client appears to load correctly on startup (the module load needs
   to be forced), stat to /afs/lrz-muenchen.de works.

   However, obtaining a working token appears to be impossible:

(1)  klog uh341au
Unable to authenticate to AFS because password was incorrect.

(tested on another client, no problem getting a token).

(2) klog uh341aa
fermi:/etc/init.d# tokens

Tokens held by the Cache Manager:

User's (AFS ID 10702) tokens for afs@lrz-muenchen.de [Expires Jun  9 13:33]
   --End of list--


cd /afs/lrz-muenchen.de/home/u/uh341aa

works. However

cp o.h XXXX
cp: cannot create regular file `XXXX': No such file or directory

So  if you are a user who can obtain a token, you can read or remove
files. Creating new ones or changing old ones is not possible.

Any idea how this trouble can be fixed?

 Dr. Reinhold Bader

 Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Abt. Benutzerbetreuung	| Tel. +4989 289 28825
 Barerstr. 21, 80333 Muenchen			| email Bader@lrz.de